Rotary Botanical Gardens is an award winning, 20-acre non-profit botanic garden, home to many dramatic and themed gardens. Partially surrounded by water, much of the garden is wheelchair and stroller accessible, with wide, level paths and many benches to sit and take in the surrounding beauty.

  • Handicap Accessible
  • Free Parking

Admission Fee: Cost
Hours: April 1-25: Mon - Fri 9 AM - 6 PM; April 26 - October: Daily 9 AM - 6 PM; November & December: Mon – Sat 10 AM - 4 PM, Sun Closed; Special Holiday Light Show hours: Mon - Sat 10 AM - 3 PM and 4:30 PM - 9 PM, Sun 4:30 PM - 9 PM; January - March: Mon - Fri 10 AM - 4 PM, Sat & Sun Closed; Check website to verify hours
Address: 1455 Palmer Dr - Janesville - WI, 53545
Phone: (608) 752-3885
Fax:  (608) 752-3853