Learn adaptive gardening techniques for unpredictable weather patterns. The first part of this presentation reviews the interconnected causes of climate change, patterns that are being observed now, and projected climatic trends for the upcoming few decades. The second part presents a number of place-based suggestions for strategies to make gardens more resilient to weather trends and ways to shrink your carbon footprint in the garden. The many small actions of gardeners as a group can help implement solutions for climate change effects. Presented by Lisa Johnson, UW Extension Dane County.
Cost: $10 for RBG members; $15 for non-members (Free Parking)
Location: Rotary Botanical Gardens - 1455 Palmer Dr - Janesville, WI 53545
Categorized as: Educational
Phone: (608) 752-3885
Date(s): 4/17/25 6:00 PM-7:30 PM